All about our consultants
A cloth diaper consultation is usually the ultimate way to make the right choice. The information about cloth diapers on the internet can be overwhelming and the large number of systems and brands you can choose from are making it even more complicated. During a consultation, you can get free advice about cloth diapers. You will get to see different systems and will be informed about the pros and cons of all of them. You can see, feel and try the diapers out on a doll or maybe even on your own child!
A Cloth Diaper Consultation with Nappy’
Our consultants are true fans of washable diapering, being highly enthusiastic and knowledgeable! They own almost our entire product range of cloth diapers and use all diapers with their own children. This way, they have personal experience with all diapers that we sell and they can inform you honestly about all different sorts.
Why a Consultation with Nappy’
For many newbies in the world of cloth diapering, all that information about brands and systems can be overwhelming. You can read until the cows come home, but what is the best system for you and your child(ren)? When having a consultation, you can see all those systems in real life, including explanations. This way, you can easily digest all the information and ask questions whenever you like. And on top of that, it is a fun experience!
Nappy’ has the largest product range of all Dutch and Belgian web shops. Our consultants own all brands, know about them and have experience with them. So you can count on independent advice, whether you will opt for a more affordable brand or a more expensive premium brand.
Our consultants do not work on commission, but will get paid per given consultation. This is what we consider fair towards our consultant, but also towards you as a customer. A consultation will not turn into a sales pitch, but an honest, advice-oriented conversation. For you as a customer, a consultation is for free. Nappy’ is unique with this concept. By working this way, we ensure that the consultants do not have a financial incentive to recommend more or more expensive diapers to you than that fit in your budget, needs and/or wishes.
Apart from a large product range you can buy from, we also offer a broad variety of products for rent. Almost everything we sell, you can rent first. If the consultation gave you an idea of what brand or system might work for you, you can test that out without spending a lot of money. If you have not given birth yet, you can also choose to rent a newborn package to cover that first few weeks or months. This way, you can cover that first period when One Size diapers do not fit nicely yet and after that time you will be even more sure about what system fits you and your child.
Our extensive network of consultants allows you to always find someone near you. On the page Find a consultant, you can see all consultants. You can click on a consultant near you to get to know her a little better - every consultant introduces herself there. This way, you will have an idea of who you will be visiting. If you are allergic to specific pets, you can find a consultant near you who does not have those pets. By the way, all our consultants have a smoke free home.
What Can the Consultants Show You?
Our consultants own a large part of our product range of cloth diapers. This includes AIO (All-In-One) diapers, pocket diapers, SIO (Snap-In-One) diapers, foldable diapers, fitted diapers, covers, inserts and boosters. If you are interested in a specific product, please check with your consultant if she owns it, or ask us. We can let you know which consultant owns the product you want to see. Please send an email to: [email protected].
Interested In a Consultation?
We have dozens of consultants all over The Netherlands and Belgium. So there is always one near you. Check out this page to find the one closest to you and make a free appointment without any obligation.