What is the best reusable cloth diaper? | 2025 Update
What is the best reusable diaper? Does it actually exist? In this blog we explain how you can find the perfect reusable diaper for you and your child! Because the perfect cloth diaper is different for everyone, but there are safer choices and choices that are more suitable for the experienced cloth diaper parent.
Leakage with reusable cloth diapers
Leakage is super annoying, but fortunately almost always solvable! In this blog we discuss the most common causes of leakage and how to solve them. If you have any questions after reading this blog, please feel free to contact us.
The state of the cloth diaper industry - Part 2
The cloth diaper industry is going through turbulent times. Part 2 and the last part of an overview of the past five years.
The state of the cloth diaper industry - Part 1
The cloth diaper industry is going through turbulent times. Part 1 of an overview of the past five years.
How does a wool cover works and how to lanolize them?
How works a wool cover and which types do you have? What is lanolin and how does the lanolize process works? In this blog we explain you everything about lanolization, the different kinds of wool covers and the use of it.
The difference between a cup and a disc
Menstrual cups and discs are somewhat similar. Yet they work very differently and one swears by a cup and the other by a disc. We explain the difference and try to make the choice between a cup or disc easier.
Toilet training during the night – how do you go about that?
A few months after potty training during the day, you can also start to help your child become dry at night. Night-time toilet training is usually achieved between the ages of 3 and 5, but it is also normal for night-time toilet training to take several years longer.
Toilet training during the day - how do you go about that?
How can you help your child become toilet trained during the day? Babies are basically potty trained, with a need not to soil themselves or their litter. If you respond to this, your child will soon be able to pee and poop in the potty, with your help. However, there are also many ways to help your child with toilet training later in life. In this blog you will find a theoretical background of the principle of toilet training and toilet training and various ways to help your child become toilet trained.
How do I choose a sustainable diaper?
A frequently heard reason for using reusable diapers is 'sustainability'. But what exactly is sustainability? And is one diaper actually more sustainable than the other diaper?
What about child labor?
'Our products are made in Europe, so you can be sure that your diapers were not made by the hands of children.' A frequently heard statement in the reusable diaper industry, which we find quite daring. To blindly assume that there is no child labor in your chain (within the vulnerable textile sector) is to bury your head in the sand. Out of ignorance or fear.