Hu-Da Lanolin (350 gram)
350 gram lanolin from Hu-Da in a glass jar
Deze verpakking bevat 350 gram pure lanoline verpakt in een glazen pot.
This 100 gram lanolin is 100% pure and entirely free of pesticides. Lanolin (also called wool yolk, wool wax or wool grease) can be used to lanolize wool covers (making them waterproof), but they have several other purposes. You can put it on your child’s bottom to protect it from acidic stool and prevent diaper rashes. It is also often used on sore nipples and other damaged skin.
This lanolin containts 100 gram pure lanolin and is sold in a glass jar.
To lanolize new wool covers:
Wash the wool cover in lukewarm water with wool detergent or a little baby shampoo. Take it out of the bucket. Put a bit of hot water in the bucket and add a drop of baby shampoo or wool detergent. Then add a good teaspoon of lanolin and stir until the lanolin has dissolved. Slowly add cold water to the mixture, until the water feels lukewarm. Put the wool cover in, wrapped inside out, and keep it in for a night. Repeat 2 to 3 times for an optimal result. After lanolizing, remove the wool cover from the water and roll it between two towels. Press on the towels to get as much moisture out of the wool covers as possible. Then flat dry the wool cover.
To lanolize used wool covers:
Repeat the above mentioned steps. In most cases, you only need to leave the wool cover in the mixture for a couple of hours, up to one night. No need to repeat the procedure now.