How does a wool cover works and how to lanolize them?
March 15, 2024| Posted in Wool covers| Cyrille Lueks-Janssen| 2226
How works a wool cover and which types do you have? What is lanolin and how does the lanolize process works? In this blog we explain you everything about lanolization, the different kinds of wool covers and the use of it.
Diaper rash; how does it come about and what can you do about it? (Note: with photos)
May 11, 2021| Posted in Health| Ilka van der Poel| 81
Rashes in the diaper area of young children are unfortunately quite common. Sometimes it is relatively harmless red skin, sometimes it is red pimples and sometimes your child's bottom is completely broken. A rash in the diaper area, just like a rash elsewhere, can have many causes.
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