Diaper system
How does a wool cover works and how to lanolize them?
March 15, 2024| Posted in Wool covers| Cyrille Lueks-Janssen| 2014
How works a wool cover and which types do you have? What is lanolin and how does the lanolize process works? In this blog we explain you everything about lanolization, the different kinds of wool covers and the use of it.
How long does a cloth diaper last?
June 21, 2021| Posted in General| Ilka van der Poel| 35
The big advantage of reusable cloth diapers over disposable diapers is that you can use them several times. That you can wash them, dry them and simply put them back on. But even a reusable diaper does not last forever. How long your diapers last depends on several factors.
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